Learning Outcome 4

In my third peer review I really focused on the potential global revisions needed to really help the paper excel and meet all prompt requirements. As shown in my evidence of peer review I made a lot of comments that were all focused on the global level, things such as the thesis statement and connections back to it, topic and transition sentences, potential areas for source connections and quotes, and most importantly commenting on what really worked for the essay. I think it is very important in peer review to not only comment on what is lacking or ways to improve the paper but also to comment on what they are doing well, what in their paper is really working for their argument. I think a lot of the time people forget that when giving constructive criticism it does not have to be so negative, there are many ways to provide suggestions. Throughout this semester I have gotten significantly better at identifying the global revisions, and what is and what is not working for a paper. I think this is a very essential skill and has even helped me identify such things in my own writing. Comment 8 and comment 9 in my evidence of peer review really shows my ability to critique others work by emphasizing global revision early in the writing process. In these comments I discuss the possibility of integrating new quotes and connections to provide evidence for their argument and also to help identify possible confusing parts in their argument where their main point is lost within their paragraph. In my evidence of peer review I demonstrate the completion of Learning Outcome 4.