Blog Post #21

Language is an important part of everyday life. In my life language is essential in communicating with people who are important to me, they can encourage and uplift. Language can be used in a positive and a negative way. Language has been an essential way of communication and expressing emotions throughout my life. I am … [Read more…]

Blog Post #20

BEFORE: When someone says what are you going to do to be successful, what do you first think of? Do you think of occupations? If so, which ones? I can guarantee most everyone thought of a doctor or an engineer, something within science, technology, and math. No one will say I am going to be … [Read more…]

Blog #19

I chose to read the “ANALYZE THIS” chapter specifically focusing on “The Introduction and thesis: this ‘This Paper Challenges…’”. I focused on this section because it helped give me more ideas on what I can include in my introduction and different ways of introducing sources you are using. The templates given on page 230 were … [Read more…]

Peer Review #3

I think you have a great first draft, filled with your own words and thoughts. Some of your examples are great and the personal connections are spot on. I would focus more on adding specific statistics and quotes that really highlight your topic. I think readers with this topic need the numbers to really see … [Read more…]

Blog Post #17

In my essay “A Rising Call to Promote STEM Education and Cut Liberal Arts Funding” the author Patricia Cohen discusses how students are being pushed towards and rewarded for choosing degrees within the STEM field. I choose this essay because it is something I personally relate too. Ever since elementary school I was pushed towards … [Read more…]

Blog Post #16

But is my proposal realistic? What are the chances of this actually being adopted into today’s society? It is not very often that we still see the arts present in schools. Even elementary schools have slowly cut them out. Yet, it has not necessarily been that long age since the arts were valued and very … [Read more…]

Blog Post #15

Empathy is the key to imagination and unlocking a deeper thinking into what we do not understand. It enables us to think about others feelings, and allows us to take on another role and train of thought. In “Necessary Edges: Arts, Empathy, and Education” Yo-Yo Ma says “Empathy and imagination, the artificial layering of different … [Read more…]

Blog Post #14

I am feel I am achieving my annotation goals relatively well. I have been elaborating a lot more when I use the word important or star a section. I make sure to have key words to explain why a section is significant so that when it comes to finding evidence for my papers later I … [Read more…]

Blog Post #13

Yes I was able to see patterns, of similar formatting style for topic and transitions each paragraph and topic change. I was also able to see the patterns of relating everything back to my thesis. I definitely rely on repetition of phrases a little too much especially when it comes to concluding my paper. I … [Read more…]